Sanne van Delft
We always watched films by the Marx Brothers, they were fantastic to me. But what I remember strongly is that I was always most excited for the next musical number, like Harpo on the harp, or Chico on the piano.
Sanne is a cycling, wood-splitting, speed skating, silent-type of a double bassist, who also happens to be a prolific wood- and metal worker. He studied contrabass at the Conservatory of Amsterdam and has toured through the U.S.A., Scotland, Switzerland, Spain, Bosnia, South Africa, Alaska, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Turkey, Argentina, Ireland, and China. Since the 1990’s Sanne has been an active member of an eclectic array of ensembles, ranging from classical to jazz to tango to pop, such as the Ricciotti Ensemble, tango group Sexteto Canyengue, Toneelgroep Oostpool, chamber orchestra I Fiamminghi, Dulces Pontes and with Jeroen Zijlstra.
the other band members

Willem van Baarsen

Rogier Bosman

Jon Bittman